Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chapter One: Billy

Billy straightened the tie on his shirt, and looked out of the car window. In the driver's seat, Chrios stifled a yawn and accelerated the car. Flera and Tumi both gave a little shriek. What did you do that for? Flera sent.
Just to wake you two up, Chrios smiled. We're almost there. Billy ignored his fellows telepathic communication, and resumed staring. What's the matter? Tumi sent. Too high and mighty to listen to our boring conversation?
Or are there some spectacularly pretty girls out there? Chrios asked.
Oh, too above us to pay attention to the ones in your car? Tumi retorted.
Nothing, Billy sent. I was just daydreaming.
Besides, added Flera. You know the rules. No falling in love. It would mess up the timeline.
Whatev, Tumi yawned, then shot a look at Chrios. Billy shook his head almost imperceptably. It was old gossip that Chrios and Tumi were a couple. It had been that way even back in Watcher school. They had these inside jokes and little gestures that signaled a relationship between the two.
Billy looked out of the car. They were getting closer to the party. Partygoers dressed in suits or dresses flowed by like a school of pirahnas: propelled by the scents and sights of an attraction.
Chrios swore aloud. "No parking space! I can't see anything with these Randoms in the way!" Randoms were codename for random people: unimportant to the Watchers. Not part of the hitlist.
"No need to swear," Flera rebuked. Chrios swore again. "You know what, time for a little fun." Chrios honked the horn so loudly that the majority of the well-heeled audience jumped, several losing the aforementioned shoes in the process. The driveway cleared out, and Chrios edged the car down the road.
Billy was looking out the window in earnest now. Something, or rather, someone, had caught his eye. She looked to be about a couple years younger than him, and had long, dark brown hair that was pulled in a half up-half down fashion. Billy couldn't see the color of her eyes from this distance, but calculated them to be a brown color. She wore a midnight-blue dress, made darker by the dappled shadows that fell across her form.
She was pretty, Billy thought absentmindedly. At least, for this period of time. The girl looked around as if she had heard his thoughts. And smart too. She would have made a good Watcher: that is, if she had been born in his time.
He felt a tap on his shoulder. Tumi grinned. So you've found her.
Found who? Billy asked.
Kayana Johnstonne. The daughter of the man we're supposed to Alter. Alter, or Altering, was the word that the Watchers used to mean altering the timeline: keeping humanity in it's place. In this case, Billy and his comrades were in for a night of fun and games: they were supposed to destroy one of Richard Johnstonne's finest creations.
He didn't stand a chance.

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